Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Journal Entry #32

Thanksgiving is coming up soon. What three things are you most thankful for?

At first, God gave me good husband and lovely three children. When I was not married, I didn't like children. But after I had three children, a point of view about children was changed dramatically. So I am trying to be a good mom and wife. Second, I want to thank for my job. Now, I'm here for my English study, but after I go back to my home country I'll continue my job. I'm very satisfied with my job and when I'll be old, I will do my job for poor people. Third, I an thankful to have my affirmative thinking. There was some distresses in my life. But when I felt that I was tough with that always tried to do something harder than before and lived more devotedly. I always want to live with thankful mind.

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